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Spare parts kit for Formech HD1000c-T

A consumable parts kit including: 8x FSQ 400W Quartz Element, 4x Ceramic Terminal Block, 3x SSR 10A, 1x Sensor Reed Switch (78.74" lead), 1x 0.40" silicone top frame seal tube 39.37", 1x 0.59"x0.59"mm Silicone Seal of length 39.37", 4x Sealant (2.6 oz each), 1x Panel Seal 39.37", 1x Pump Filter Element (Large), 6x Fuse Pack 10x8A 20mm Fuse (Heaters), 6x Fuse Pack 2X1A, 6X2A, 5X4A, 2x5A 20mm Fuse (Control)

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Forming area

960 x 560 mm

Depth of Draw

500 mm

Sheet size

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Semi / Fully Automatic
Formech HD1000c-T vacuum former

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Forming area

960 x 560 mm

Depth of Draw

500 mm

Sheet size

1000 x 600 mm

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